Thursday, July 17, 2008

heller again

wats happening y'all i lost my fone again big surprise but the dude at the desk at night was like really cool hes like a friend i hope i find my fone it sucks not having it my mom will kill me so idk ill find it sooner or later k bye bye



today was awesome. I loved how when we gave the kids there books their faces brightend up. touring Devon was cool too.

This is me, staring into space.... as a fox, that is! This is NOT how i look, but if i were a fox it wud be!

~~~~ chococat :3

today at camp

hey my peeps

i got word that we are for sure having the dance. so i hope i get every thing together. Iguess ill see yall there

byebye for now

Today we read to kids. I got to read to a kid named Tr, and then a boy named Ben read to me. They got pick out some books and keep them. I liked it a lot. Felt kindof needed. Then we went to the Devon Energy Center. We go to see all the files they keep. I think it would be kind of fun to work there, but not for life. I wouldn't like working in an office all the time even though you get to walk around a bunch. I think I will still go see if I can find a library or something like that in a psychiatrict ward. Or someplace like that. I still think I could have a fun and exciting day there. I mean someone has to work with those people, right? Tonight we are going to a heritage center. Not sure which one. I think that will be fun. It is supposed to be an early night. Looking forward to that. I am tired.

-Watch me preform.


Comment on mi kitty pic, PLEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~ chococat :3


My second kid was freakin' cool. His name is Alden(I know, awesome right?) and he picked the book The Lightning Thief because it was thick(to him) and had mythology in it. He'll get places in life with thick books. I wish him well.


Today was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)]

purple team

so Ginny got a porcupine at the book store and everyone thinks its sooooooooo CUTE and its not even pokey
lo9ve you ginny you are mi besteeeessssstttt friend ever before madonna
pppppppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee leave a comment to chococat or silly billy on this

The Fourth Day of Camp WEEEEE lol

Today I had so much fun I just don't reme- Oh yeah we went to this place called Devon and some other places too. ~**MR.HOUSE**~

my last day

2 day was really cool!! first we went and read to some kids, then we went and gave books to a gifted and talented club and they also read to us, and then we went and ate at Mazzios pizza, and THEN we went to Devon's place thingy....they gave us these really cool gifts like a light up pen and a mini flashlight and a stress ball!! the only bad thing is i have to leave tomorrow because my family just found out my dad has to go on a business trip and i wanna see him before he leaves! i hope you all have a great rest of camp!

-xoxo lilsis

Day 4

So..... today we read to little kids. it was fun. we ate at Mazzio'sfor lunch then went to Devon. it was interesting. after that we went back to the college, ate at the atkinson heritage center, then went to the hotel.the end.


Day 4

Today we went to Devon and got a tour. They have files and things in the building. It waz soo cool. I waz on the green team. We also went to a church and school and read to kids and gave away books. I read to Grace/Cherish and a girl named Rachel. It waz soo fun. At mazzio's (where we went 4 lunch) Skylar and emily took the last cheese pizzas and I couldn't eat much until they came out w/ another batch. Thanks guys!!!!!(I am being sarcastic)

IMC 2008 blue team

P.S It is fun to put a cold water bottle on the back of skylar's neck

Day 4

Hey, Today we went to two schools and we read with kids. That was fun. Then we went to Mazzio's Pizza which was really good. I like pizza. lol :) Then we went to Devon a oil company which was cool. Well thats all so cya!


monkey, day 4

howdy, today was cool especially when we went to Devon(the oil company)
i like the pens they gave us and the other gifts too, i really liked it when we went to read to the children



Heeey, peeeeps!!!!!!!! Wassup? 2 day wuz sooo coolios!!! I had fun with Maggie reading with kiddos!!!! Soo fun, especially when Jerry, My porkypine puppet, helped out!!! Nyaa!! Sooo.... bi bi!!!!
~~~~ chococat :3

~~~~ chococat :3


TODAY WAS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TODAY WAS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

evil mastermind


reading to the kids was fun!


i like the stuff DEVON gave a chair attacked me &tried to steal my bag,thats it for the attack of the day_amanda;D

free stuff

Free stuff is FUN!!!!
Today was totally freakin awesome!

Haha i got to read to this kid named Dominic? i think.

Ha yeah so anyways devon was pretty cool:).


the 4th day

We were able to go through some Devon buildings. They had oil and other records stored in the building. Several people gave us tourers, which were interesting. They showed us different parts of the building that do several different things. They also showed us two films. We ate at Mazzios which was good. We also went to two different library programs and read to/ listented to students read. It was a fun day.


Fourth Day of IMC

Today we passed out the books we bought with grant money for the elementary children. We passed books out first at a Methodist Chuch's gymnasium to an after school program then at an elementary building for a Gifted an Talented class. After passing out books to the kids, we went to tour Devon's Record and Information Management. Another good day.

Super Awesome Coolio to the Max.


Todaz we read books to kids.It waz fun!!!We also went to Devon and took a look at it.


Day 4

Today we visited two different places to share the books we bought yesterday with kids who really needed them from 1st grade through 5th, when we were done with that and our quick lunch at Mazzio's we visited the Devon Enery Corp. Records Buildingk to learn asbout how their system worked which was really cool because of all the technology and friendly people.

- Peace Out Ya'll
Ethan, Yellow Team